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More prints coming soon.
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Country Sport Pictures & Prints

Anything to do with shooting and guns in todays world is considered controversial.  Unfortunately this has had an impact on a number of recreational sports like hunting and shooting.  Despite this controversy, there are thousands of people in the UK who are involved with country sports, in particular shooting, which is extremely popular in the countryside.

Cachet have always produced traditional country pictures related to all things appertaining to the rural community, and  it seemed a natural progression for us to produce game shooting pictures for the many numbers of enthusiasts.

We have a range of prints available, which, whilst they are not all game shooting pictures, show shooters with their dogs preparing for a days’ shoot, others show working dogs retrieving game.  Interestingly, one of our images by Kevin Walsh called Home from the Shoot despite its controversial nature has been one of the most popular game shooting pictures in our whole portfolio.

These prints make perfect gifts for those who participate in country sport and there are a range of game shooting pictures by Brian Tovey which capture the very essence of the shoot, either preparing, in action, or returning after a successful days’ shoot.  

In addition, Adrian Smarts images of gun dogs retrieving game are high quality limited edition giclee prints signed by the artist.

Some of our game shooting pictures are also available as a greeting cards and can be purchased from one of our many stockists or on-line.